Saturday, August 20, 2011


“Many waters cannot quench love, Nor can the floods drown it. If a man would give for love All the wealth of his house, It would be utterly despised." (Song of Solomon 8:7)Online Giving.

We are in the middle of a series on marriage called Grace Filled Marriage. It's been interesting to hear feedback from people as they're evaluating their marriage in light of the scriptures. I've noticed two distinct responses. The most prevalent response is the response of the LAW. We see the difference and begin to condemn each other for not measuring up. The least prevalent response is the response of GRACE. We see the difference and begin to thank God for giving us the power to walk as the righteousness of God in Christ. The choice is totally yours to make as to how you will respond. You can respond under the law and continue the cycle of CONDEMNATION or you can respond to God's grace and release LIFE and POWER into your marriage.

I remember a time in our marriage when I didn't think we would make it. I was so bent on trying to fix my wife. Every time we were together our conversations eventually turned to some flaw that I saw in her and I would condemn her. Imagine living with a police officer and a judge every moment of the day. What's worse is that I couldn't even live up to my own standards! Isn't that how the law is? Finally, the Lord spoke to me and told me that my wife belonged to Him and that I was to release her to Him. He told me that I didn't have the power to change her, only He did. When I finally came to the point where I wasn't condemning her, something incredible began to happen. I began to see her for the beautiful and perfectly suited gift that she was. It didn't happen overnight. It took a few years, but today we are more in love than ever before and we know it's because of God's grace. My prayer for you is that you will come into the revelation that you are the righteousness of God in Christ, that you are a new creation and that you will live out of your identity in Christ towards your husband or wife.


This week we signed the letter of intent to purchase the building according to the terms set by the International Foursquare Church (the current owners of the building). The building is the current home of Living Hope Christian Fellowship and is located at the corner of Pico and Avenida Vista Hermosa. We are meeting with the credit union that holds the loan next week to secure funding for the purchase. It's been exciting to see God bring this all together - everything from meeting the real estate agent who brought this property to us to the openess of the Foursquare Denomination to give us what we need to fund the loan on the property. We see God confirming every step that we are taking and it's breath taking. Pray that God continues to give us favor as we move forward.

Roxie and I believe that God has called us to San Clemente and we want to see Him do a massive work that only He gets the credit for. As many of you have seen through this journey, God has worked many miracles. As I told someone recently, we are all in. Isn't that how it is in the Kingdom of God? He requires nothing less than our all. I believe there are many others that God is calling to stand with us at this juncture of Worship Life's history. I think of the families whose lives have been turned around by the simple teaching of God's Word at Worship Life. I think of the people who have encountered the life changing power of God through the worship at Worship Life. I think of those who have committed their lives to Christ through the preaching of the gospel at Worship Life and I am excited. We've seen people saved out of Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses. We've seen marriages restored. We've ministered to families that are facing life long struggles such as mental illness and same sex attraction and we've seen God bring encouragement and hope.

If you want to see a home for Worship Life. If you want to see a base of operations that we can reach the community with. If you want to see a place where we can train worship leaders, musicians, artisans, film makers and pastoral leaders with the message of God's grace to change the world. If you want to see a place where the broken, the forgotten and the hurting are healed. If you want to see a church where God's Word is preached from cover to cover. If you want to see people come to Christ in San Clemente and the surrounding regions... will you stand with us?

How can you stand with us? First, you can stand with us in prayer. This is the way God gets things done in His Kingdom, through prayer. Second, you can stand with us by showing up serving. There is a practical side to building a community, it takes people who are willing to do life as a family and get things done. Third, you can stand with us by giving financially. It is true that where God guides He provides, but He provides through people like you and me. The Bible says freely you have received, freely give. That is the principle. I believe the reason that many cannot freely give is that they have not learned to freely receive. Under the law, we believe that God gives to us based on our performance, our goodness, our talents, our abilities. That's not freely receiving. That's receiving what you've worked for. To freely receive means to receive something that you haven't worked for, that you haven't earned, that you haven't performed for our used your talent to get. It's a gift. God gives to us so that we can be a gift to others.

This Sunday we are going to have envelopes available for you to give. I encourage you to pray and come prepared to give over and above your regular tithes and offerings. If you do not have the capacity to give, don't be weighed down by our request. Simply pray for God's wisdom, guidance and favor. That is gold in the Kingdom of God.This is not a burden, this is an adventure and we're all in it together.


I also want to invite you to become a prayer partner for our new radio program - WORSHIP LIFE RADIO - broadcasting Saturday nights at 10:30 pm on KWVE 107.9 FM. We are excited about what the Lord will do as we proclaim God's Love through His Word. This week we feature a testimony of a couple in our church whose grand daughter was recently healed after we prayed for her and continue our series in Ephesians. It's fast and quirkly like your pastor.

We have started webcasting our services. You can view them at USTREAM. You can also catch up on studies that you've missed or perhaps your following us from a distance at VIMEO.

Roxie and I are praying for you...



P.S. Don't forget to invite a friend to church. A good church is worth driving to.

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