Thursday, August 4, 2011


“Those who built on the wall, and those who carried burdens, loaded themselves so that with one hand they worked at construction, and with the other held a weapon. " (Nehemiah 4:17)Online Giving.

At Worship Life we teach the WORD of God verse by verse so that we will grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The result of knowing Jesus is a growing love for Him that expresses itself in passionate, unabandoned worship. The overflow of a heart filled with WORSHIP and love for God is a life that wants to reveal God's love to others through our WITNESS. This produces healthy believers and the natural by produce of healthy believers is growth. That describes the process that many of us have been through at Worship Life Calvary Chapel and we are growing as a church both spiritually and numerically.

When God called Roxie and myself to lead up a small, rag tagged team of nearly burnt out believers to step out into a new venture of faith in San Clemente, we had no idea what God would do. All we knew is that we wanted to be in a place where we could experience God's grace and see God's Presence work in real tangible ways and see lives changed through the practical application of God's Word. This step of faith revitalized our relationship with God. The result is Worship Life Calvary Chapel. God provided us with a place to meet at Vista Del Mar School in San Clemente, but the rest of our ministries have been scattered all over South Orange County. Our youth meet in Ladera Ranch, our women and men's ministries meet in San Juan Capistrano and our midweek is in a home in San Clemente. As we were in the initial stages of launching the church, the Lord spoke to me and told me that He had a building for us and that a church would give it to us. I had no idea what that meant, but I started to look at existing churches with the thought that it could be a future home for us. We even tried to rent a couple church facilities for our midweek services. But the door wasn't opening.

A few weeks ago, through a series of divine appointments, God has brought a buiding to us. It's located at the intersection of Avenida Vista Hermosa and Pico. It's currently owned by the International Foursquare Church and today I sent a letter of intent to begin the formal process of meeting to discover God's heart in this matter. They are excited because it allows this building to stay used for the Kingdom of God. There is a brand new Foursquare Church that is seeking to relaunch that has been holding organizational meetings at the church. Our heart is to be a blessing and assist them in any way.

I am asking you to partner with us in prayer. I am asking you to pray that God will give us wisdom as we discover how Worship Life Calvary Chapel can acquire this building for our next home. Pray for God's favor and provision as we move forward in this great venture of faith. I am also asking you to consider how you can be a part of this venture of faith with us. We read in Nehemiah that every family took their part in the building of the wall around Jerusalem. Each had their own section, their own area of responsibilities. I am asking that you prayerfully ask God what that means for you. For some it may mean stepping in to volunteer in one of our growing ministries. For others it may mean increasing your level of financial support of the ministry. For all of us it means praying for the friends, neighbors and coworkers that we are going to invite to come to church. We have people driving from as far south as Vista and as far north as Ladera Ranch and Santa Ana to come to Worship Life. A good church is worth driving to. It is true that God builds the Church, but He builds it through you and I.

I also want to invite you to become a prayer partner for our new radio program - WORSHIP LIFE RADIO - broadcasting Saturday nights at 10:30 pm on KWVE 107.9 FM beginning this Saturday, August 6. We are excited about what the Lord will do as we proclaim God's Love through His Word. Our first program will deal with the issue of unwanted same sex attractions and begin our series in Ephesians that we have been going through on Sunday mornings. It's fast and quirkly like your pastor.

We have started webcasting our services. You can view them at USTREAM. You can also catch up on studies that you've missed or perhaps your following us from a distance at VIMEO.

Roxie and I are praying for you...



P.S. Don't forget to invite a friend that needs Jesusto the Harvest Crusade August 12-14 at Angel Stadium. It's an invitation that yields eternal rewards!!!

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